If we’ve contacted you by letter, postcard, phone call, etc., it’s in your best interest to Call us now! It won’t cost you a dime and we’ll never ask you for any money. Our company conducts audits of government and corporate agencies across the country and we’ve found money that you are legally entitled to.

How Can I Be Owed Any Money And Not Know About It?

There are dozens of scenarios that could play out with Government and Commercial agencies, which could result in you being owed money:

Unclaimed State Funds

Funds or property is turned over to States after a dormancy period and rightful owners can’t be found. The most common types of unclaimed property are: Bank accounts and safe deposit box contents, stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and dividends, uncashed cashier’s checks and money orders, certificates of deposit, matured or terminated insurance policies, estates, mineral interests and royalty payments, trust funds and escrow accounts, utility account deposits, etc.

Bankruptcy Surplus Funds

Surplus funds can arise out of a variety of circumstances in bankruptcy cases. Recipients may have not provided correct forwarding addresses; checks get lost and for any number of reasons go uncashed; recipients may have passed away or become incapacitated. In these type of instances, unclaimed funds may be owed to the owner, successor, or heirs.

Mortgage Foreclosure Surplus Fund

Banks foreclose on properties when mortgages fall into default. If the property sells for more than the borrower owes, the borrower may be entitled to the surplus funds. After expenses and subordinate lienholders are paid, the borrower may be entitled to surplus funds from the sale.

Tax Foreclosure Surplus Funds

If a property’s taxes go unpaid, taxing authorities foreclose on properties and conduct auctions on properties whose taxes are in arrears. Opening auction bids start at the amount of taxes owed. If the property sells for more than the taxes owed, any surplus is rightfully owed to the previous owner.

Don't Hesitate! Act Fast And Contact Us Quickly Some Claims Do Expire!

Kama Aina Asset Recovery advocates on your behalf from start to finish and does all the heavy lifting throughout the claims process. You pay no upfront fees of any sort – ever. We work on a “contingency” basis and only get paid, when you get paid. All claim costs are paid from our company’s percentage of reclaimed funding, with you getting the Lion’s share.  If, on the very rare occasion we are unsuccessful in securing your claim, you owe us nothing.

You Can Rest Assured And Be Confident In Our Ability To Secure Your Claim

Our professional staff and experts know exactly how to navigate the process legally and ethically. We provide a valuable service to our clients by first informing them of money owed to them – money that many simply do not know is owed to them. Secondly, we navigate the sometimes cumbersome process of claiming the funds with iron-clad, proven processes backed by our legal team. And we do this entirely on a contigency basis at no cost to the client. Lastly, we maintain continual contact with our clients with updates, every seven to ten days throughout the entire claims process – we won’t leave you hanging, wondering what’s going on with your claim.

How Much Will This Cost?

Not a single penny. We will never ask you to fund any part of the claims process. Before we contacted you, we conducted a risk analysis based upon all known facets of your claim. We determined that we could maintain our business practices, pay our employees & contractors and cover expenses while making reasonable returns. This allows us to keep our doors open to continue to provide a valuable service to our clients. Let’s face the facts – all businesses are in business to make profit and no company can survive without it. But here’s the thing – we’re not selling anything. We’re helping people, and with current estimates of unclaimed funds exceeding $58 billion in the U.S., we believe we’re doing a public good. If you agree, please return our contact and let’s get your claim underway.

What We Do

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