Claim Process

Each claim we file has unique attributes depending on agency processes and procedures

It can be as simple as submitting a claim form, providing proof of ID and waiting for a check. Or, it can involve a cumbersome legal process, involving attorneys, filing motions, etc. We are experts in navigating these processes. Regardless of agency processes, there are four fundamental processes:

We audit government databases to discover unclaimed / surplus funds. Then we skip-trace the claimant (you) and make contact to tell you the good news and offer to provide our service.

Assuming you agree to work with us, we’ll prepare all the necessary paperwork based upon the agency’s requirements and submit your claim. We cover all expenses, including legal fees.

We track the progress of your claim periodically to ensure it progresses through the agency’s processes and keep you abreast of status regularly

Once the agency approves your claim, we’ll advise you of the good news and ensure you get paid!

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Don't hesitate to contact us.