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Frequently Asked Questions

We locate and recover unclaimed funds held by government agencies and get our clients paid.
We pursue claims throughout the entire country.
Since we don’t charge any upfront fees, our policy is to not disclose the location of funds until an agreement is signed. Once the agreement is signed, we fully disclose all the details of your claim and pursue the claim on your behalf. We will further keep you advised of its status from start to finish.
  • The short answer is you don’t. However, the types of claims we specialize in are typically veiled – meaning you won’t find them via google or other internet searches. They are public records but, you have to know what questions to ask and how to ask them. The likelihood of you finding the funds is possible but not probable. Beyond that, many of these government agencies have an escheatment interest in your funds – in other words, if you don’t ask for them before the expiration date, they simply wait the clock out and take custody of your money. Once that happens, you may no longer lay claim to the money.
  • The analogy we use, is you can go to small claims court by yourself but, you would have a better result if an attorney represents you. We’re not attorneys. We enlist attorneys as needed for the recovery but, we are experts in this field. You would have a much better result with us, than without us.
There are no upfront fees – ever. We get paid only after you get paid, when we’re successful in securing your claim. We bare the expense of all administrative costs of pursuing your claim whether successful or not (which is very rare).
It varies by agency but, generally processing times can take anywhere from 90 to 120 days. With COVID 19, many government agencies and employees are operating remotely, so we’re seeing longer than usual times to process claims.
Just give us a call or contact us by email. We’ll provide an initial consultation and send the necessary paperwork to get started. Once we have an agreement and other necessary paperwork, we’ll file your claim immediately and advocate for your money, start to finish.

This is what we do – day in and day out. We use internet skip-tracing sites and other investigative techniques. Our staff is skilled in finding people across the U.S.

  • 30% represents our highest percentage for engaging on client claims and typically we reserve 30% for more complex claim actions. Simply put, we have to cover our cost of pursuing more complex claims just to keep our business doors open so we can continue doing the good work we do for our clients. These types of claims routinely require attorney engagements, court filings, etc.

  • We do comply with all compensation schedules across the country where they are regulated by the State. These rates typically are around 10% - 20% of the total asset recovery and by contrast to the more complex claims mentioned above, these types of claims typically require less "red tape" and do not require attorneys, court filings, etc.


Payment Questions

Cras penatibus tempus proin sagittis congue. Tempor sociosqu aliquet orci lacinia dolor eleifend interdum proin phasellus volutpat imperdiet. Accumsan ut aptent nunc faucibus ipsum platea ex orci elementum conubia.

Cras penatibus tempus proin sagittis congue. Tempor sociosqu aliquet orci lacinia dolor eleifend interdum proin phasellus volutpat imperdiet. Accumsan ut aptent nunc faucibus ipsum platea ex orci elementum conubia.

Cras penatibus tempus proin sagittis congue. Tempor sociosqu aliquet orci lacinia dolor eleifend interdum proin phasellus volutpat imperdiet. Accumsan ut aptent nunc faucibus ipsum platea ex orci elementum conubia.

Cras penatibus tempus proin sagittis congue. Tempor sociosqu aliquet orci lacinia dolor eleifend interdum proin phasellus volutpat imperdiet. Accumsan ut aptent nunc faucibus ipsum platea ex orci elementum conubia.

Cras penatibus tempus proin sagittis congue. Tempor sociosqu aliquet orci lacinia dolor eleifend interdum proin phasellus volutpat imperdiet. Accumsan ut aptent nunc faucibus ipsum platea ex orci elementum conubia.

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